Monday, August 30, 2010

'Sup, Autumn?

It's hard to believe that the summer is coming to a close.  Well, psychologically, at least.  With the dawn of September upon us, it's time to gear up for some good food, friends, and fun.

Ontario is harvesting some of it's best fruits and vegetables to yield in years and it's all thanks to the gorgeous weather we've had.  Sun-blushed tomatoes, refreshing cucumbers, and sugary sweet corn contend against golden peaches, indigo concord grapes, and my personal favourite, honey crisp apples.  Paired with the perfect cheese, bread, preserves and honey, nuts, and wine, the autumn tabletop becomes a culinary work of art.

What better time of the year to enjoy some fine dark beers and heavy fare?  It's exciting to think of splitting a pitcher of a good amber or stout over a veggie-loaded homemade pizza.  Finish it off with warm peach cobbler, a swig of Rickard's Red, and call it meal!

While I'm sad to see summer go, I open my arms wide to autumn and his bounty.  Food, in my opinion, is the best way to nourish the soul, so forks up!  In the famous words of our friend Heather of Nova Scotia, "SOCIABLE!"

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