Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Today in the headlines we learn of a husband and wife duo suing the Greater Toronto Hockey League (GTHL). Their two sons allegedly sank into severe depression and have permanent low self esteem after the hockey league cut them in tryouts. For this, they feel it appropriate to sue the GTHL for $25,000 in damages to their sons.

I have a huge problem with people trying to hitch a free ride at any cost. I made a few interesting observations and drew a few valid conclusions (in my opinion, at least):
Observation A:
These two kids are obviously spoiled rotten monsters that can't hold their shit together when they don't get their way. Comparatively, the parents cannot deal with the whining and bitching of their... bitch boys... and thus are taking out their frustration on the GTHL.

Observation B:
These kids are obviously doted upon by their mother and father. First of all, I'd like to point out how convenient it is that they initiated the lawsuit AT THE END OF THE BOY'S SCHOOL YEAR. Sure as shit they would have gotten the crap kicked out of them had this occurred mid-February.

Observation C:
Any person with a rational mind would see that there are underlying issues these boys need to deal with. It is absurd for these parents to expect to win this case. Hundreds of kids are cut during tryouts in every sport every season. When I was ten, I was cut from the swimming team during tryouts. My mom and dad didn't sue the organization, they got creative and egged it the following week.

The more I watch the news, the more hope I lose in humanity's logical thought. Is logic but a relic of the past? I'm going to call Tia Cerrere.

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