Hello world, my name is Ty and I am a complete food junkie. I believe in the UK I'd be known as a "foodie". Anyhow, I am a creator of LifeAfterBerth and for the most part I will be expressing my informed opinion on restaurants and culture among other things.
Some may question while I boldfaced informed. After all, I have no professional training in the kitchen. Some may think I am the last person who ought to be judging food, but to that I say "OH BULLOX!" I was an obese child and we chunky monkeys loved, and continue to love, food of all shapes and sizes. Don't get me wrong, I have since dropped nearly all that weight, but my passion for eating delicious things never fled. I love food.
On an additional note, I do have professional and educational training in business. My specialty is customer relationship management. By second nature I constantly evaluate service and product quality and price-value relationships. Speaking of prices, I am Irish and have A LOT to say about it. I love my peeps and will do whatever it takes to protect them from BAD BUSINESS! Get ready restaurants... my big fat opinion is coming your way!
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