Monday, August 2, 2010

Project Runway S.8 Ep.1 - The random fest!

Season 8 of project runway has finally started and I'm super pumped about it. Alright let's talk about it starting from the beginning of course. The first few minutes of the episode were taken up by Heidi and Tim giving random facts about some of the new contenders. I was questioning in my head, why exactly did they do that...? Why they just talked about a select few of them? I thought that perhaps they would have potentially been part of the finalists? But I was clearly wrong because they talked about McKell, and she was the first to go home. Soooo scratch that idea. 

Once they were done with the "random  facts by Tim & Heidi", we saw all the contestants meeting eachother VERY differently than usual. They selected random spots of New York, and had them meet on the streets while holding their luggage.... Randoooom??? We later find out that they were still holding on to their luggage because they are in fact not on the show yet (what the hell am I watching then???). Also because their first challenge is to create an entire outfit out of one garment taken from the luggage of the person on their left. Is it me or am I having deja vu?! Wasn't this the EXACT same way they started Project Runway Canada two seasons ago? Oh well... Just as it happened on Project Runway Canada there was people almost crying about their clothes being destroyed and so on. Does anyone else think that this is a completely stupid challenge? I mean truthfully it is NOT fair for people to give up 1 part of their wardrobe, so that others can rip it apart in their face. It's simply flat out mean! Poor Casanova for example, lost a pair of Dolce & Gabbana pants worth more than one thousand dollars. Sometimes the show hosts should be reminded that not everyone has money, and clothes, coming out of their ass like they do. Alright I bitched enough about that.
Let's get to something more serious: the fricken challenge was 5 hours long. Yeah! Isn't the best way to understand one's talents to make them do a shitty ass garment in the least amount of time possible? I think that's certainly the best way. NOT! 
Well apparently that's what they seemed to think. And if Heidi, Nina, and Michael think it, then it must be right. Moving on to the judging and the evaluation of the actual clothes. I agree with the judges in saying that there was a whole lot of ugly. Not that I expected any differently in 5 hours. Though I do believe that the judges decisions for the worst garments were a bit off. In this episode, contrarily to the "normal" show (because remember people we are NOT watching the real show yet...) they chose one winning outfit and 6 losers instead of the normal 3 winners and 3 losers. The winning outfit was..... alright. The winner was Gretchen and unfortunately I didn't find this garment to be that special. It was pretty and well styled by the designer but it was a bit old matronly looking for my liking. When this happens I usually blame it on the fact that perhaps it's not translating on tv as well as it should. So I just shrug my shoulders and accept it. For the losers. I thought Casanova's was hideous, and definitely vulgar unless you're part of the cast of Jersey Shore. Nicholas' dress really did look like a bag. April's inside-out jacket paired with the dress wasn't that bad. The judges kept on saying that they couldn't see talent, even though last I checked she made the dress from scratch. Jason's mess of a backwards kimono was a complete disaster just as the judges and Jason himself admitted. Ivy's judging I completely disagreed on. I though, as a matter of fact, that the shirt that she made was not that bad at all. I thought it had a different point of view and I enjoyed the way it was moving. The judges though were appalled by the way Ivy made pants out of pants. Hmmm.... I'm sorry didn't April make a jacket out of a jacket and Jason make kimono out of a fricken kimono?! So what the hell is wrong with the pants out of pants now?! They really ripped her apart and I truthfully don't see why. This brings me to the final complete disappointment with the final loser. McKell's dress was fricken cute! What are they talking about?!?! Yes maybe the fit and styling were questionable but the dress was really cute and it was a lot more complete than other stuff was. I was glad to know that Tim Gunn agreed with me, telling Mckell that her dress was adorable twice! I'm really wondering if the real reason why they sent her home was because of her 9 month old baby. Maybe they felt that that should have been her priority? 
I don't know, at any extent now I am glad that the REAL Project Runway is finally starting next week. Phew! I couldn't stand this fake shit anymore....  ;-)

Winner & Loser

Source: Lifetime

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