Saturday, September 18, 2010

Imma BITCH now!

This is now my second week back to school and I'm PISSED with the affordable fashion world.
Yes I'm talking to you H&M and Forever XXI. Two very different reasons. One is complete lack of style in their designs and the other is lack of clothes all together. I'm gonna start with Forever XXI.

Last week, my friend Deanna and I, went for a healthy back to school shopping spree. First we decided to hit up Forever XXI on Yonge and Dundas in Toronto. Forever XXI is known for its totally affordable clothes and mix and match of styles. What I always loved about Forever XXi is that they had daily sales which meant you pretty much stole clothes. So I got good designs for nothing. Of course that made me happy.
So we walked in and I ran towards the guys' section and found that it wasn't there anymore. I thought "hmm.... that's weird... they must have moved it back up on the second floor." Deanna and I ran up to check. We looked in every flipping corner of the store and guess what? NO GUYS CLOTHES TO BE FOUND! I was in complete disbelief, so I went and asked one of the girls that works there who told me that the closest store is somewhere I don't even know how to get to. I was PISSED!! I have been super bitter for the past two weeks.
If that wasn't enough, today I decided go to check in the Newmarket location at Upper Canada Mall. F%$K ME! there was NOTHING there either. I'm sooooooo fed up with women-only stores. Because really?! Last i checked about 90% of all stores are for women ONLY!
This clearly made me incredibly angry and I'm still fuming. Let's move on to H&M....

So thank God H&M miraculously decided to keep their male section. Isn't that nice of them to give a crap about us men? great....
I walked into H&M convinced to walk out with at least 2-3 things. Oh! But did you know that H&M decided that it would be best for this season to design shit clothes for men?! Yeah it must be this season's new motto. "Shit only, at shit prices! Nothing that requires any actual design talent." To recap, if you would like checkered shirts of any colour imaginable, they have them! If you would like white shirts with blue horizontal stripes, they have them too! AND THAT'S IT! Therefore if you already own a few of these, don't bother wasting your time going into this store to check more ill designed garments.  

I'm angry and feel COMPLETELY let down by this season's stupid fashion world.... I guess I have more money for Sushi now.... fat-ass here I come!

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